Proudly Serving New York, New Jersey
Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland and Connecticut
Solar Made Simple
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Financing Available
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Solarific Energy Consultants is here to help you choose the right solar power options for your home. We'll work with you to determine which rebates you may qualify for from the government. At Solarific Energy Consultants, we aim to provide you with the best fit for your property's unique needs.
You'll always get the best dollar value and the best customer service when you choose Solarific Energy Consultants. We have seven years of experience in the solar industry and are ready to put that knowledge to work for you.
Call (631) 459-0690 to schedule a FREE consultation. Se habla español!
Many companies working within the energy and solar fields will go to great lengths to tell you what they do, how they do it and how it can help you. Here at Solarific Energy Consultants, we like to get right to the point.
What we do to help our clients is to perform a complete assessment of their current energy needs, provide simple and straightforward options on how to approach those energy needs in a way that will reduce costs using the power of the sun. But that is not the best part! The best part comes when you see your energy bill and see how much less you are paying your local utility and how much more you have to save, make the lives of your family and yourself easier and make some more of your dreams easier to reach.
Our process is as simple as 1-2-3:
Sound good? If so, contact us today to get the conversation started!
Call to Schedule Your Same-Day Appointment
Serving clients in Nassau, Suffolk and Queens counties since 2018
and surrounding areas
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